ADLIB100.ZIP Rolodex - Address Librarian 1.0 - Database AMORTZ21.ZIP AMORTZ 2.10 Loan Schedules calculations and more v2.10 AM_BB22.ZIP Bank Book for Windows 2.2 Tracks Your Bank Accounts APLANR34.ZIP A Project Event Planner 3.4 APMAD520.ZIP APT MAILING ASSISTANT (5.20) US Mail Delivery Point BarCode ARTI22.ZIP ARTICLES 2.2 ELECTRONIC BOOK BY JOHN E. RUSSELL BCLINK18.ZIP Business Clock Link 1.8 Networkable PC Time Clock for Managers with real time job reporting BPLN42.ZIP BPLAN DEVELOPER v4.2 Expert Business Plan Workbook. Write a PLAN like a PRO BPM27A.ZIP BUSINESS PLAN MASTER 2.7a Develop your business plan quickly and professionally! BUSI32.ZIP WRIGHT 3.2 ELECTRONIC BOOK BY SELF-MADE MILLIONAIRE JOHN WRIGHT CATALUM1.ZIP Order Processing and Disk Catalog Program System 1.1 CBPLUS59.ZIP CHECKBOOK PLUS v5.7 Full-featured cash management / budgeting system,helps you master financial affairs. CCMATH11.ZIP Credit Card Math v1.1 Learn why it takes so long to pay off credit cards CMPLUSA.ZIP CheckMate Plus 1.60A checkbook-based accounting package 1/3 CMPLUSB.ZIP CheckMate Plus 1.60A checkbook-based accounting package 2/3 CMPLUSC.ZIP CheckMate Plus 1.60A checkbook-based accounting package 3/3 CREDITFI.ZIP CREDITFIX - ULTIMATE CREDIT REPAIR KIT CRISPR21.ZIP CRISP-R REAL ESTATE Accounting 2.10 bookkeeping system CSAM21.ZIP CSAMORT version 2.10 - Performs loan amortization schedules/automatic payment calculations CSLMO.ZIP LEADING AND MANAGING OTHERS 1.0 Multimedia Seminar CSLMOW.ZIP Leading/Managing Others for Windows A seminar on disk: for leaders and managers DBD13.ZIP DAY BY DAY 1.3 Windows PIOM and Scheduler Program DENTAL.ZIP Windows Program for Dentists DIO_113.ZIP DIOGENE 1.13 Legal Firm Management Program DLG11E.ZIP DELEGATOR's purpose is to help managers and others who must work through other people DMAIL6.ZIP DMAIL v6.0 - A very friendly mailing list manager with many advanced features. DOCTOR42.ZIP DOCTOR PLUS - A database for medical doctors DW107401.ZIP Dow-Jones Industrials by Yield Order - July 91 to January 94 EBIRD10F.ZIP Early Bird v1.0f home and business calendar/ reminder program EREPRT10.ZIP E:REPORT 1.00 Electronic Management Reports EZKIT20A.ZIP The E-Z Credit Kit, V 2.0a FC110.ZIP FINCALC v1.10 memory resident (TSR) Financial Calculator FED114.ZIP FED FORMS EDITOR and Printer 1.14 FFBCRD.ZIP Financial Freedom Business Cards 1.10 Creates and prints business and rolodex cards FFBMGR.ZIP Financial Freedom BILLING MANAGER 3.30 FFLBL.ZIP Financial Freedom Labels 1.00 Creates mailing labels with drag and drop interface FRB133.ZIP FundRaiser Basic v1.33 Donor Management software. FRB140.ZIP FUNDRAISER BASIC 1.40 Donor management software FTTLV532.ZIP FTTL - 5.0 Flexitime and Time Logging System. Recording employee attendance GOHOM10A.ZIP Gohome - Appointment Manager IDEX218.ZIP INFODEX 2.18 Versatile Multipurpose DATABASE II726S.ZIP INVENTORY INTERFACE 7.26 Integrated Inventory, POS and MRP INFOTK11.ZIP COMPLETE INFORMATION MANAGER for BUSINESS and Personal Use INOUT10.ZIP In Again Out Again 1.0 Receptionist's Desk Tool JOBHUNT5.ZIP JOBHUNT 5-S Job-Search Program JTSC1.ZIP JTS Costings for Tour Operators JTSTS1.ZIP JTS Time Sheets Client Billing by Time On Client Account JWORKS22.ZIP J-Works 2.2 is a very fast and accurate way to perform load calculations to size heating / cooling KFPLAN1.ZIP PLAN-KWIK FINANCIAL and RETIREMENT PLANNER LDT.ZIP Lawyer Desktop Law Firm Automation Program LM150CD.ZIP LOAN MASTER LOAN ACCOUNTING, 1.53 Loan Tracking, Accounting and Billing tracking database MATHWZ20.ZIP Math Whiz 2.0 Financial Calculator MEDLIN95.ZIP MEDLIN ACCOUNTING 1995 5 accounting programs for the small business. MLRCC33.ZIP CALLING CARDS 3.3 electronic phone book MLRCHK33.ZIP MY LITTLE REALM'S CHECKING 3.3 check balancing program MLRCRG33.ZIP MY LITTLE REALM'S CHARGING 3.3 credit card expenditures tracking program MWAP12.ZIP MWAP 1.2 Medlin Windows Accounts Payable MWGL12.ZIP MWGL 1.2 Medlin Windows General Ledger MWPR15.ZIP MWPR - Medlin Windows Payroll Writing From MEDLIN ACCOUNTING SHAREWARE. MWPR20.ZIP MWPR 2.0 Medlin Windows Payroll Writing OASIS3.ZIP OASIS 3.0 - A complete sales management system OAWI95.ZIP OPPORTUNITY AWAITS! Winter 1995 - 100's of sources, plus advice to start a new business OBMAN106.ZIP OBJECTIVES MANAGER WORKBOOK 1.06 Deadline Management OPPL30.ZIP OWL Portfolio Price Loader 3.0. Automatically updates OWL Personal Portfolio Manager (OPPM) ORCHIS.ZIP ORCHIS (Org Chart Imaging Software) 1.0 for DOS - create organization charts, menu, decision trees OST142.ZIP OFFICE SUPPLIES TRACKER 1.42 Inventory, Purchase Orders, etc OVAALL.ZIP Overview of Home Business Incentives for Veterans PCLOAN5.ZIP PCLOAN5 V5.11 - Professional Loan Amortization System. PCPR95.ZIP PC-PR Payroll Writing 5.0 Includes 1995 tax tables. Prints W 2 modules. Tracks 941 data PDEPRIC6.ZIP ProDev*EPRICE V6.0 Price Service interface program to transfer Trade Service price data to ProDev QUOTE PDQUOT6A.ZIP ProDev*QUOTE V6.0a Quote System. Extremely full featured Quotation or Bidding system for any type or size of business. PDQUOT6D.ZIP Prodev Quote 6d Quotation and Bidding System PMAST41.ZIP PROPERTY MASTER 4.01 House Rental Management System PRL150.ZIP PAPER ROUTE LEDGER 1.50 paper route bookkeeping PROCR120.ZIP PROFESSIONAL CARRIER 1.20 Newspaper carrier bookkeping PSTAR110.ZIP Planstar Resource Scheduling System for Windows QUALIF.ZIP QualifyR v1.0 Home Buyer's Residential Financing Qualification Program RM35DP23.ZIP RequestMANAGER collects the infos received over telephone from clients, tracks requests SAM512.ZIP SCHEDULE and APPOINTMENT MAKER 5.1.2 Multi-provider office appointment book/ appointment processor does many things you can't do on SBA952.ZIP SMALL BUSINESS ADVISOR 95.2 Tax/legal consultant on a disk SMITH31.ZIP MONEY SMITH 3.1 3.1 Double Entry Accounting for Windows 3.1 SMITH95.ZIP MONEY SMITH '95 95/3.1 Double Entry Accounting for Win95 SP130.ZIP SmartPhone v1.30 is a database that can save on phone costs STAB200.ZIP STABLE TECHNICAL GRAPHS 2.0 Financial Technical Analysis TCF200.ZIP Tree Charts 2.0 Windows ORG Chart Drawing Program TMM11.ZIP Memo manager from TechniLib. Ver. 1.1. Provides an fast way to remember important plans TRS.ZIP THE RETAIL SOLUTION 3.0 Point of Sales VCP11.ZIP Windows Visual Calendar Planner 1.1 WINCRG12.ZIP WINCHARGING 1.2 Credit card tracking program for Windows WINFIN40.ZIP Financial Analisys for Windows 4.0 WINGRB30.ZIP WinGrab 3.0 Windows Contact Manager and Label Printer Program WINV10D.ZIP Winvoices Windows Invoicing Program WSSW11.ZIP WALL STREET SIMULATOR FOR WINDOWS 1.1 Learn how to trade and manage a portfolio without putting money at risk. WUK31.ZIP Who U KNOW 3.1 Address Book, PIM, Date Reminder+Mailing List ZIPW210.ZIP ZIPPER W-2 1.0 - Enter/print W-2 W-3 forms. Simplifies end of year payroll processing for businesses / accountants